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Private meeting with President Trump at the celebration of his first 100 days in office.
Joining the Vice President, Buzz Aldrin and others as the President signs Presidential Space Directive One at the White House.
Breaking the sound barrier in a Navy F-18.
Breaking the sound barrier in a Navy F-18.
The Vice President and his wife, Karen, at our Lititz, Pennsylvania home.
Speaker Newt Gingrich at our Lititz home.
As Space Foundation Chairman, presenting Buzz Aldrin our highest award.
Flying weightless with fellow ZeroG board members
Members of the Presidential Commission on the Future of the US Aerospace Industry, which I chaired, meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev in Moscow
With President Bush (41) at the White House
With President Reagan on the campaign trail.
With Vice President Quayle in his White House office.
Chatting with Queen Elizabeth in the US Capitol.
With President Bush (43) in Texas.
Using my racing license.
Talking space policy with President Reagan.
The Aerospace Commission meets with Vice President Cheney.
The early leaders of the Conservative Opportunity Society meet with President Reagan.
The staff of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee when I chaired.
Newt and I discussing strategy with Vice President Quayle.
An honor from NASA.
Discussing aerospace policy with Vice President Cheney.
Speaking at the ISDC’s 2019 National Space Society Conference.
Hosting a FMC panel with NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine; Brendan Curry of Planetary Society; Rep. Kendra Horn (D-OK); Director Kevin O’Connell of Space Commerce; and Executive Secretary of National Space Council Dr. Scott Pace.
Congressman Walker (far right on picture) attends the President’s signing of Space Directive 1. Walker authored the Trump campaign space policy.